Illustration of ‘No anti-trafficking helpline’

Government Lacks Dedicated Anti-Trafficking Hotline: Findings from US State Department 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report

The US Department of State’s 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report has revealed that the government does not have a specific hotline dedicated to addressing trafficking issues and instead uses an NGO-based hotline for cases of domestic violence and child abuse. The report indicates that victims do not have access to a government-sanctioned telephone line to report trafficking offenses and find resources.

The report also mentions the government’s lack of effort in combating the demand for commercial sex acts and allowing recruitment fees to be paid by workers. There were no reports of the authorities receiving any information related to trafficking via the hotline.

Regarding training, it was found that governmental training on sexual exploitation was incorporated into pre-deployment drills but there was a lack of trafficking-specific instruction for Fijian military personnel prior to their foreign deployments for international peacekeeping missions. There was furthermore no evidence or reports of the government providing anti-trafficking training to its diplomatic personnel. This information was first reported on The Fiji Times.

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