Government Eyes $20 Million in Rent Arrears: Can They Collect?

The Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources has indicated that the $20 million owed in rent is collectible, according to Permanent Secretary Raijeli Taga. During a discussion regarding the review of the 2022 Audit Report on the Economic Sector last week, Taga noted that the largest individual arrears by a single lessee amount to nearly $2 million.

“We believe that we can still recover the $20 million in arrears,” Taga stated. “The highest amount owed by one lessee is close to $2 million, which is significant.”

She emphasized that many lessees operate businesses on the leased land and manage rental properties, making it reasonable for them to pay their rent as stipulated in their agreements.

“It is only fair that they fulfill their financial obligations, and it would be a loss for the government if we simply dismissed this debt,” Taga added. “We need to collect that money. The government is owed.”

To manage these arrears, Taga mentioned that staff members have been conducting site visits to lessees to reinforce the collection process and follow up on outstanding notices.

“As a result, some lessees have started making arrangements to make partial payments on their debts,” she explained. “We are having numerous face-to-face meetings with those in arrears, encouraging them to manage their annual rental payments while offering any support we can.”

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