Government Appointments Under Fire: A Call for Integrity

Independent Member of Parliament Jone Usamate has expressed concerns that several decisions and appointments made by the Government could have been handled more effectively.

In an interview on The Lens@177, Mr. Usamate expressed dissatisfaction with certain actions taken by the government. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the integrity of institutions as a critical component of good governance, which he believes requires appointing the right individuals to key positions.

He pointed out that the appointment of unsuccessful candidates to various roles raises questions about whether such decisions serve the best interests of the country. According to Mr. Usamate, placing individuals without the necessary qualifications or experience in important positions often results in poor decision-making and ineffective processes.

When asked to identify specific individuals he believes were wrongly appointed, Mr. Usamate opted to reserve those names for discussion in Parliament.

He also referenced campaign statements regarding the potential abolition of the Fiji Roads Authority in favor of assigning its responsibilities to the Public Works Department. He noted that the government has since moderated its stance, acknowledging the vital role of the Fiji Roads Authority while proceeding with the establishment of the Public Works Department.

Mr. Usamate reiterated the significance of having the correct structures and personnel in governance to ensure positive outcomes, contrasting this with the negative effects of having the wrong individuals in decision-making roles.

Additionally, he critiqued the absence of an invitation for the Opposition to attend the traditional welcoming ceremony for the Indian President’s visit to Fiji. He believes this oversight reflects a disregard for protocol and is indicative of the consequences of inadequate appointments within the government.

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