FWCC Calls for Speaker’s Resignation Amid Racism Allegations

The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre (FWCC) has called for the resignation of Parliament Speaker Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, citing concerns over his leadership style amid Fiji’s evolving democracy. The FWCC’s comments follow accusations of racial insensitivity directed at Opposition MP Aliki Bia during a parliamentary session on September 6.

The organization condemned Ratu Naiqama for belittling the historical struggles of marginalized communities in Fiji, emphasizing that the nation continues to face the repercussions of slavery and racism. The FWCC urged leaders to be proactive in addressing hate speech, which they warned can lead to hate crimes.

During the parliamentary session, Mr. Bia pointed out the ongoing struggles of the Melanesian community for justice, sharing that they have endured significant traumas over the years. In response, Ratu Naiqama spoke in iTaukei, advising Mr. Bia to choose his words carefully, and made comments suggesting that many Melanesians were not contributing to society.

He emphasized that members of the Melanesian community are already integrated into society and therefore should not claim to be victims of mistreatment.

In their statement, the FWCC criticized Ratu Naiqama’s comments, stating they are inappropriate in the context of ongoing discussions about truth and reconciliation in Fiji. They insisted that if leaders wish to fight racism and inequality, they must embody these values themselves.

The FWCC reiterated the need for continuous action against hate speech, asserting that it is crucial for leaders to consistently stand against intolerance, rather than only responding to incidents after they occur.

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