Future of Affordable Housing Project in Fiji: What Lies Ahead?

The tender process for Fiji’s affordable housing project has concluded, according to Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad. Prasad indicated that the government had anticipated bids from both local and international contractors. Speaking on The Lens@177, Prasad mentioned that a decision is expected soon but emphasized the importance of ensuring the public-private partnership for housing functions effectively.

Referring to past experiences, he said, “As we saw with Aspen, which was poorly managed, hospitals were handed over to a company without fulfilling the agreement.” He reiterated the necessity of a successful housing PPP model, stressing the financial structure must be thoroughly examined.

“This scrutiny ensures the project will provide affordable housing for different income categories. If the financial model is successful, it could serve as a future template. If it proves inadequate, alternative methods will be pursued to offer affordable housing to our citizens,” he added.

While Prof Prasad does not know who bid for the project, he acknowledged it was substantial, and overseas contractors were expected to participate. To attract interest, roadshows were conducted in Australia, New Zealand, and India.

Prasad expressed hope for competitive bids and a sustainable financial model that would satisfy both the government and the beneficiaries of the housing project.

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