Fariza Ali, a high-achieving student from Labasa Muslim Primary School, has drawn inspiration from the renowned physicist Albert Einstein. At the recent annual prizegiving ceremony, the Year 8 student showcased her academic excellence by scoring an impressive 461 out of 500 marks. Fariza expressed her determination to improve further in the coming year as she transitions to Labasa College, with aspirations of becoming a dentist and obtaining honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine, and philosophy similar to Einstein’s legacy.
At just 14 years old, Fariza is motivated not only by her personal ambitions but also by her family’s successes. She is proud to have four siblings excelling in various professions, including a police officer and a doctor, which has inspired her to strive for excellence. She stated, “Them being in good professions has made my parents proud, and I want to make them happy by becoming the first dentist in our family.”
Fariza is thankful for her parents, Tajmoon Nisha and Ashmat Ali, who have worked hard to provide for their five children, particularly under the management of her father, who is the sole breadwinner working at Tebara Halal Meats Limited in Labasa. She recognizes the opportunities and education afforded to her and strives to make the most of them, attributing her success to a focus on hard work and discipline.
The Labasa Muslim Primary School manager, Aiyub Khan, announced that enrollment for the next academic year is now open and assured that the school would accommodate students who may struggle to find placement elsewhere.
This story exemplifies the spirit of determination and ambition in the younger generation. Fariza’s dedication and dreams reflect a hopeful and promising future, not only for herself but also for her family and community. With supportive parents and a clear educational path, she is well on her way to achieving her goals and making a significant impact in her chosen field.