FTA Sets Deadline for Good Faith Negotiations: Will Talks Go Anywhere?

The Fijian Teachers Association (FTA) has set a deadline for the Ministry of Education, Public Service Commission (PSC), and Ministry of Finance to engage in good faith discussions by next week. General Secretary Paula Manumanunitoga announced that if the stakeholders refuse to negotiate and reach an agreement, the association will seek a secret ballot for strike action.

Previously, the FTA’s application for a secret ballot was turned down by the Registrar of Trade Unions, directing members to negotiate once more with the two key ministries. Manumanunitoga stated that during a recent general meeting, the association resolved to give the ministries time to negotiate sincerely. A recent meeting was held with representatives from the PSC and the Minister for Education, but Manumanunitoga lamented that there was no representation from the Ministry of Finance, which they consider crucial to their proposal.

The FTA plans to allow time for negotiations until Fiji Day, indicating that if no satisfactory progress is made, they will reapply for a secret ballot. The only encouraging news thus far came from the Minister for Education, Aseri Radrodro, and Permanent Secretary Selina Kuruleca, who confirmed their support for a salary increase.

Manumanunitoga emphasized the need for recognition of their request for a pay rise, expressing gratitude for the support from the Minister and Permanent Secretary, while also stressing that the government seems unresponsive to their concerns.

Earlier this month, Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad stated that the FTA should address grievances with the respective line ministries, clarifying that the Ministry of Finance does not engage directly in negotiations with teacher unions, but rather the discussions should occur between the Government, PSC, and the Ministry of Civil Service.

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