From Tragedy to Triumph: Nafi’s Inspiring Journey of Resilience

Nafitalai Uluinikorotabu, better known as Nafi, is a remarkable individual whose life embodies resilience and determination. At 34, hailing from Navukebuli Village in Macuata and raised in Suva, Nafi’s journey has been shaped by both tragedy and triumph.

Nafi reflected on a life-altering incident that occurred when he was 16 years old. On December 28, 2005, while swimming in a river with his cousins during a holiday in Vanua Levu, he dove in headfirst, only to discover that the water was not as deep as he thought. This resulted in breaking his spine in three places. Following the accident, he lost feeling in his limbs, and his cousins rushed him to safety.

He was initially treated at Labasa Hospital before being transferred to Tamavua Hospital in Suva, where he began grappling with the reality of his situation. Nafi described this period as one of his hardest mental challenges, as he faced the reality of having his future plans slip away.

Despite the difficult times, his faith and support from family were vital in his recovery. He found inspiration in the visits from members of the Potter’s House Church, viewing them as family and providing him encouragement in his darkest days. A particular Bible verse from Hebrews reassured him that he was never truly alone.

After six months of rehabilitation, Nafi re-entered the world. In 2009, he took a significant step by registering with the Spinal Injury Association (SIA) of Fiji, following encouragement from a well-respected figure in the community. This experience opened his eyes to others with disabilities leading fulfilling lives, inspiring him to advocate for disability inclusion.

Currently, Nafi serves as the Disability Inclusion Officer at SIA. Though he did not become a pilot as he once hoped, his advocacy work has taken him to various parts of the world, including cities like Washington, D.C., and Sydney.

Nafi’s mission is to ensure that individuals with disabilities in Fiji can fully participate in society. He aims to encourage those living with disabilities to venture out into their communities, emphasizing the importance of addressing issues such as stigma, accessibility, and communication barriers.

He acknowledges the difficulties faced by individuals with disabilities, particularly with public transportation but believes that any changes needed can be achieved through collaboration among various stakeholders, including the government and service providers.

Nafi is also committed to reaching those in rural areas, ensuring they receive the services they need. He believes that the greatest limitation anyone can face is a negative mindset and encourages everyone to recognize their potential and that of those around them.

His message is clear: no matter the challenges one faces, there is always hope and light at the end of the tunnel.

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