From Tragedy to Triumph: Nafi’s Inspiring Journey

Nafitalai Uluinikorotabu, known as Nafi, is a 34-year-old who has turned a tragic accident into a story of resilience and triumph. Residing in Navukebuli Village of Macuata province while originally being from Suva, Nafi reflects on how a life-altering incident shaped his perspective.

At the age of 16, on December 28, 2005, while holidaying in Vanua Levu with family, Nafi dived into what he believed was a deep river but was not. He suffered a spinal injury, resulting in loss of feeling in his limbs. Initially treated at Labasa Hospital, he was later transferred to Tamavua Hospital where he faced significant mental hurdles.

Despite the challenges, Nafi credits his faith and the support of his family, as well as his church community, for helping him through his recovery. He found inspiration in the Bible, specifically Hebrews 13:5, which reassured him that he was never alone. His extended family further supported him during his rehabilitation.

In 2009, Nafi began to embrace the reality of living with a disability and was encouraged to join the Spinal Injury Association (SIA) of Fiji by a community advocate. His experience at SIA allowed him to connect with others with similar challenges and gave him hope.

Now working as a Disability Inclusion Officer at SIA, Nafi focuses on empowering persons with disabilities in Fiji. His advocacy has led him to travel internationally, although he recognizes the societal barriers people with disabilities face, such as stigma and accessibility issues.

Nafi emphasizes the importance of positive thinking, stating that the greatest disability can be a negative mindset. He passionately advocates for greater participation of individuals with disabilities in society, urging collective action to overcome challenges. His experience serves as a beacon of hope, reminding others that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

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