From Tragedy to Triumph: An Inspiring Journey of Resilience

Lafaele Tominiko, originally from Samoa and with strong ties to Tamavua Village in Naitasiri, celebrated his graduation from the University of the South Pacific with a Bachelor of Commerce degree. His journey has been marked by significant challenges, including the early loss of both parents, which he faced at the ages of three and nine.

Despite these hardships, Tominiko drew strength from the unwavering support of his maternal relatives, who helped him and his siblings navigate their difficult path. “Losing both my parents was hard because they were my support system. I am grateful to my aunties, uncles, and Tamavua village for raising me,” he shared, reflecting on how their encouragement and love motivated him to succeed.

As the youngest of four siblings, Tominiko expressed a deep appreciation for his family, acknowledging that their backing was crucial to his accomplishments. He poignantly noted a wish that his parents could have witnessed his achievement. “I wish my parents could have been here to see me walk up to the podium to receive my bachelor’s degree, but I am thankful for the family that filled that void,” he stated.

Tominiko recalled the trials he faced throughout his academic journey, including days without lunch and long walks from school to town. Nevertheless, the support from his aunts and uncles made him feel as though he had not lost his parents. “They treated my siblings and I like their own children,” he remarked.

At the university, he was a private student and received financial assistance from his brother and aunt living in the United States. Looking ahead, Tominiko aims to work while continuing his studies. He encourages other students to remain persistent, advising them to remember their motivations when faced with challenges: “Keep going, and when you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place.”

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