From Tragedy to Triumph: A Graduate’s Inspiring Journey

Lafaele Tominiko, who graduated yesterday with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of the South Pacific, embodies the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Originally from Samoa and with ties to Tamavua Village in Naitasiri, Tominiko faced the devastating loss of his parents at a young age, a challenge that fueled his determination to succeed.

Despite the hardships he encountered, particularly during moments when he felt like giving up, the support from his mother’s family played a crucial role in his life. They provided him with the love and encouragement necessary to support him and his siblings through difficult times.

Reflecting on his experiences, Tominiko expressed his gratitude to God and those who helped him navigate through his struggles. As the youngest of four, he highlighted the emotional toll of losing both parents, stating, “Losing both my parents was hard because they were my support system. I am grateful to my aunties, uncles, and Tamavua village for raising me. Looking back now, all the sleepless nights have paid off.”

Tominiko shared that he was only three years old when he lost his father and nine when he lost his mother. He acknowledged that his family’s support was vital to his achievements.

“I wish my parents could have been here to see me walk up to the podium to receive my bachelor’s degree, but I am thankful for the family that filled that void,” he remarked.

He recalled challenging moments in his journey, including times when he had no lunch and had to walk from school to town, but he persevered thanks to his family’s encouragement. “They treated my siblings and I like their own children,” he added.

As a private student at USP, Tominiko received financial support from his brother and aunt living in the United States. He intends to work and further his studies while advising other students to stay determined: “Keep going, and when you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place.”

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