From Tragedy to Triumph: A Graduate’s Heartfelt Journey

Lafaele Tominiko celebrated his graduation with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of the South Pacific, a remarkable achievement that reflects his resilience and the support of his community. Hailing from Samoa with strong connections to Tamavua Village in Naitasiri, Mr. Tominiko faced the devastating loss of both parents at a young age, which fueled his determination to succeed.

Despite enduring hardships, including moments when he thought about giving up, he was supported by his mother’s family, who provided the love and encouragement necessary to navigate life’s challenges. Reflecting on his journey, he expressed deep gratitude to God and his relatives who stood by him during tough times.

As the youngest of four siblings, Mr. Tominiko shared how the loss of his parents, who passed away when he was just three and nine years old, shaped his life. He acknowledged that the achievement of his degree would not have been possible without the unwavering support from his extended family. He emphasized how much he wishes his parents could have witnessed his graduation.

Mr. Tominiko recounted the struggles he faced during his education, recalling days when he had no lunch and had to walk significant distances. He credited his relatives for making him feel supported, stating they treated him and his siblings like their own children.

While studying as a private student at USP, he received financial assistance from his brother and aunt, who live in the United States. Looking ahead, he plans to work and continue his education. Mr. Tominiko’s advice to fellow students is to persevere, reminding them to remember their initial motivations during challenging times.

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