In Nausori’s Koronivia, a mother-daughter duo, Sedula Devi and her daughter Simran Prasad, has crafted their future through the flourishing handmade jewelry business known as Beaded Treasures. This inspiring venture began out of necessity about four years ago when Simran, a University of the South Pacific student, faced financial challenges with rising fees and transportation costs. To alleviate her burden, she started creating her own jewelry, a decision that sparked a shared passion with her mother.
Ms. Devi saw the potential in her daughter’s creative endeavors and joined forces to transform their small project into a thriving business. Reflecting on those early days, Ms. Devi shared, “We started when she was in university, and it was difficult for her to afford bus fare and fees. So, we began making jewelry together, and from there, our business started to grow.”
The mother-daughter team not only managed to support Simran’s education, but they also found that their handmade creations resonated with a broader audience. Through their participation in local markets and university sales, they steadily built a customer base. Their offerings have since expanded to include custom-made jewelry and repairs, highlighting boho-inspired designs that infuse elegance into everyday fashion.
Their success can be attributed in part to the guidance received from the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), which has equipped them with essential business insights. Ms. Devi emphasized, “The AWE program was really educational and informative. I learned so much, and it helped me grow our business to where it is today.”
The journey has not been without its challenges, but both Simran and her mother emphasize the importance of resilience and confidence in achieving success. “Even though it was challenging at first, it’s worth it in the end,” Ms. Devi noted, while Simran encouraged aspiring entrepreneurs to persevere through obstacles, believing that “there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.”
Beaded Treasures stands as a shining example of how passion, perseverance, and family support can culminate in a successful endeavor. Their story is not just about creating beautiful jewelry, but about inspiring others to turn their dreams into realities, proving that even the simplest ideas can evolve into something extraordinary through dedication and hard work.
In summary, through their journey, Sedula and Simran embody the power of creativity and familial bonds, reminding us all that with determination and support, one can achieve great things.
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