From Struggles to Success: Stella’s Journey of Resilience

At just 26 years old, Stella Selina has already faced more challenges than many experience in a lifetime.

Originally hailing from Kadavu, Stella grew up in a tumultuous environment in Veisari, near Lami. Her childhood was marked by instability as her parents’ marriage began to deteriorate.

“My younger brother and I lived with our mother until I turned 10, and we had to rely on social welfare since my mother was unemployed,” Stella shared.

Eventually, her parents separated, leading to a chaotic childhood where navigating social services and legal disputes became part of her daily life. After spending her formative years shuffling between her mother, father, and other relatives, Stella craved stability and a brighter future.

Despite her struggles, Stella maintained a resilient spirit. At the age of 16, she made the tough choice to leave school in order to help support her family. “Since life was difficult, I had to drop out of high school to assist my mum, who had started a new family,” she explained.

While the love from her stepfather and her mother’s new family offered some comfort, Stella’s commitment to supporting her younger brother remained at the forefront of her mind. By 17, she began working at a media company, taking on double shifts in various positions. She later worked as a sales assistant at Harrison’s, where she met her future husband, Rav Neil Prakash. The couple married when Stella was only 19.

Now residing in Sawani with their two children, a seven-year-old daughter and a one-year-old son, Stella acknowledges the importance of independence. “Even though my husband supports me, it’s important to be self-sufficient,” she stated. “My main goal is to achieve independence in life because I’ve spent so long working doubles, and it becomes tiring working for someone else. I needed to establish my own business.”

Stella’s aspirations gained momentum through the “Start and Improve Your Own Business” training organized by the Ministry of Trade. With encouragement from her mother-in-law, she seizing the chance to acquire the necessary skills to fulfill her entrepreneurial dream.

Today, Stella is more committed than ever to achieving her goals. “I now know how to manage and operate my business in the future, and I’m eager to attend further training opportunities,” she said.

Her advice to young girls and women who aspire for independence is to “utilize available resources and never depend on others to determine your success.” With her newfound training, Stella stands ready to make her dreams a reality, proving that even the most difficult beginnings can pave the way for outstanding achievements.

“I understand what struggle is, but with dedication and realistic goals, anyone can achieve their aspirations.”

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