From Struggles to Success: Meet the Inspiring Single Mother Thriving at 60!

Asena Naiwase has proven that resilience can triumph over the challenges of life. This single mother from Delaitokatoka, Kalabu, remained hopeful even during tough times and diligently sought opportunities to support her three children. Today, all her children are adults with jobs and families of their own, yet the 60-year-old continues to thrive.

Asena can frequently be found in the streets of Suva, selling perfumes and her own handcrafted jewelry. What began as a hobby five years ago has blossomed into a viable source of income after she discovered her talent for creating beautiful pieces.

“This is one of my favorite hobbies now, along with meeting new people, helping those in need, and baking,” Asena shared. Initially selling vegetables, she was encouraged by her younger daughter to explore jewelry making. Her daughter, who learned the craft from online DIY videos, also guided Asena in honing her skills.

“My daughter uses the internet a lot and learned the techniques from YouTube. After watching, she would teach me,” Asena said. “It’s very interesting, and I enjoy doing this.”

She began her entrepreneurial journey by selling perfumes, which her son-in-law brought back from Iraq, and later expanded to include handmade earrings and necklaces after customers expressed interest. With the guidance of her daughter, Asena started creating jewelry herself, purchasing raw materials and transforming them into unique pieces.

Asena finds joy and empowerment in her work, which allows her to meet various people and forge new friendships. “This job comes with less stress. I can come and go as I please since no one is in charge of me,” she explained.

Her message to other single mothers is clear: pursue opportunities for success. “Staying home won’t help. You need to step out and seek ways to achieve your goals; don’t be a burden on anyone.”

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