From Struggles to Success: A Young Farmer’s Journey in Fiji

Petero Maciu, a young farmer at just 21 years old, is using agriculture to support his livelihood. Hailing from Nawi in Cakaudrove, Petero began his farming journey at a young age thanks to the encouragement from his father, Sakapo Tui, who advised him on effective land use.

As one of five siblings, Petero has been closely supported by his family in their village. He completed his education up to Class Eight but chose not to pursue further studies, recognizing the potential benefits of farming for his future.

In 2020, he decided to focus on his farming endeavors and not rely on anyone else. Petero cultivates land that belongs to the Koronicivaciva clan, growing crops such as yaqona (kava), dalo (taro), jaina (a type of yam), coconuts, and various vegetables. This year, he is also selling his yaqona in the market at Labasa.

Petero pointed out the benefits of effective land use, which has been a crucial aspect of his farming success. His yaqona is sold in Savusavu for between $70 and $80 per kilogram, and his first sale brought in around $11,000.

His farm is located about five kilometers away and requires diligent effort to maintain. Petero remains committed to working hard for a better life, despite sometimes facing challenges in accessing his farmland.

He believes that using land wisely leads to better living conditions. His efforts have significantly benefitted his family, providing financial support for food and other necessities.

In March of this year, as he turned 21, he organized a feast for the village, bringing two bulls to share in celebration. Recently, he sold a portion of his produce to make his operations more efficient.

Petero serves as a great example for young villagers who may not be using their time effectively to engage in productive activities. He hopes that the government will recognize fellow farmers who wish to improve their land use and support them with necessary resources.

Currently, Petero seeks assistance for farming tools and agricultural resources. He wishes to enhance the accessibility of his produce while ensuring that they remain fresh and viable.

He dreams of expanding his endeavors to build a stable home for his family, give back to the community, and improve his agricultural practices, including acquiring a tractor to aid his farming operations.

Despite facing challenges like adverse weather conditions, Petero aims to maximize the potential of the fertile lands in his area to ensure sustainable growth and prosperity for his community. He believes that pursuing a better life requires listening to the wisdom of elders and maintaining a steadfast focus on the land’s care.

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