From Struggles to Success: A Student’s Inspiring Journey

Vasemaca Ratusaitadra has achieved a significant milestone by earning a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management from the University of the South Pacific. This accomplishment follows five years of hard work and dedication to his studies, which he commenced in 2019.

Hailing from Nasegai, Ravitaki in Kadavu, and now residing in Vanuadina, Tokatoka, Tailevu, Ratusaitadra attributes his success to his strong decision-making skills and commitment to his responsibilities. He expressed gratitude to his family for their unwavering support throughout his educational journey.

Ratusaitadra is one of six graduates recognized for their stellar achievements from the university. He serves as a role model for his peers, motivating them to pursue their studies vigorously, as he did.

Despite facing numerous challenges, including the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ratusaitadra persevered. He encountered setbacks such as lacking a laptop for his studies and experiencing instances of self-doubt. However, he credits his resilience and faith in God for overcoming these barriers.

He continues to emphasize the importance of hard work and the strength derived from personal belief in oneself. Ratusaitadra encourages others to remain steadfast in their quests for knowledge and to always remember their roots and the guidance of their ancestors throughout their educational pursuits.

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