From Struggles to Success: A Single Mother’s Journey

Luisa Radovu, a resilient single mother of four, has carved a path for her family despite facing numerous challenges throughout her life. After leaving school in sixth grade and experiencing disownment by her family due to early motherhood struggles, along with enduring four unsuccessful marriages, she has fought hard to achieve her current stability.

Throughout her younger years, Ms. Radovu has taken on various roles, working as a housemaid and a baker while pursuing her passion for sailing. She independently enrolled in Maritime studies and paid for her education, earning five certificates in sailing. Her experiences include sailing and working at various resorts, which helped her navigate the hardships she faced.

Now at 55, Ms. Radovu resides in Wailoku, where she operates a canteen business she established in 2017, catering to the local community. In addition to her canteen, she sells food parcels and pastries at the Suva market whenever possible.

“I only completed sixth grade, but I managed to get into Fiji National University for maritime studies. I signed myself up and covered my own fees to study sailing,” Ms. Radovu shared. “Before that, I made a living by working as a house girl and in cafes and restaurants, where I did a lot of cooking and baking.”

She participated in the Start Improve Your Business (SIYB) training organized by the Ministry of Trade, which significantly impacted her outlook on her business. “Honestly, there were times when I felt hopeless about my business. There were moments when the challenges became overwhelming, and I couldn’t cope,” she recounted. “But the training helped me regain my hope and confidence, teaching me how to deliver better customer service.”

Looking ahead, Ms. Radovu aspires to expand her business further and dreams of opening a larger shop that would be more accessible to her community. She is currently awaiting a government grant from the training program, which she hopes will provide the financial boost necessary to elevate her business to new heights.

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