From Struggle to Success: A Young Farmer’s Journey in Fiji

Petero Maciu, a 21-year-old from Nawi, Buca Bay in Cakaudrove, has been utilizing land to support his livelihood. He became interested in agriculture at a young age, encouraged by his father, Sakapo Tui, who advocated for the productive use of land.

Petero has five siblings and is the second-born child in his family, living with his relatives in the village. He completed primary education, but his desire to continue his studies diminished as he recognized the potential benefits of agriculture for his future.

In 2020, he made a decision to focus solely on cultivating land without looking back. He has been farming land from the Koronicivaciva clan, growing crops such as yaqona, dalo, jaina, coconut, and various vegetables.

This year, he expanded his production of yaqona, selling it at the Labasa market. He noted that this highlights the importance of effective land utilization for cultivation.

He sells his yaqona in Savusavu, priced between $70 and $80 per kilogram. His initial sales have brought in about $11,000. The land he cultivates extends approximately five kilometers, as he works diligently each day to maintain his crops and improve his financial situation.

Petero sometimes spends weekends in the bush to ease his workload. He believes that effective land use greatly contributes to his well-being, and he expresses the need for patience in all the tasks required for farming.

The profits he obtains significantly support his family, helping them purchase not only food but also beverages and materials for building projects. Petero recently celebrated his 21st birthday in July by organizing a gathering for community members who joined him in festivities.

Within the past two weeks, he sold some of his produce to facilitate the marketability of his yaqona and food items. His journey serves as an inspirational example to young people in the village, encouraging them to make productive use of their time.

Petero hopes that the government will recognize youths striving to improve their livelihoods and provide necessary support to enhance their efforts in farming. He seeks additional help with agricultural materials and aims to improve transport routes for efficient distribution of his produce.

He dreams of one day having sufficient resources to build his own home, including purchasing land for further construction, as well as acquiring a tractor to assist with farming tasks. Despite facing challenges, particularly during adverse weather conditions, he perseveres in his endeavors to cultivate the fertile land rich in resources.

He encourages his peers to aim high, drawing attention to the abundant land available for farming. He emphasizes the need to utilize these resources wisely for a better future.

“Let us move away from a life of dependency, and listen carefully to our elders, while also praying to God for guidance during all times.”

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