In the vibrant community of Koronivia, Nausori, a mother-daughter duo, Sedula Devi and her daughter Simran Prasad, is making waves with their flourishing handmade jewelry business, Beaded Treasures. This remarkable venture began four years ago as Simran sought ways to cover her university expenses at the University of the South Pacific amid rising costs. Crafting jewelry not only helped her manage her financial burden but also ignited a passion that transformed into a successful enterprise.
Ms. Devi recognized her daughter’s artistic talent and joined her in this endeavor, turning a small project into a thriving business. Reflecting on their origins, Ms. Devi shared, “We started when she was in university, and it was difficult for her to afford bus fare and fees. Making jewelry together sparked the growth of our business.” This collaboration flourished into a venture that has allowed Simran not only to fund her education but also grow a company that they could reinvest into, expanding their product line.
Simran’s journey into jewelry making took a pivotal turn during the COVID-19 pandemic when she began crafting pieces while selling at local markets, steadily building a customer base with her mother’s support. Their offerings have since expanded to include custom-made jewelry and repair services, along with a variety of boho-inspired designs that bridge daily elegance with special occasions.
The duo’s success is bolstered by their participation in the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), a program designed to empower women in business. Ms. Devi noted, “The AWE program was really educational and informative. I learned so much, and it helped me grow our business to where it is today.” This educational experience has been crucial in refining their business practices and expanding their network.
At the core of their success story lies a message of resilience and belief in one’s talents. Both women emphasize the importance of confidence and perseverance in the face of challenges. Ms. Devi, who overcame her shyness to promote their talents, encourages others to embrace their skills: “If you know you have talent, use it.” Simran echoes this sentiment, advising aspiring entrepreneurs, “It won’t always be easy, but don’t give up; there’s always light at the end of the tunnel, and eventually, you’ll get to where you want to be.”
Today, Beaded Treasures stands as a testament to what can be achieved through passion, dedication, and familial support. Their jewelry resonates not only with buyers but serves as an inspiration to those facing similar challenges, illustrating that even the most humble beginnings can lead to extraordinary successes. This uplifting narrative showcases that dreams can flourish when combined with hard work and the unwavering support of family.
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