From Shame to Pride: The Unsung Hero of Savusavu’s Streets

Rubbish collection is often seen as an undesirable job, associated with dirt and disrespect. However, it’s a crucial service that prevents towns and cities from becoming overwhelmed by waste. One individual who has embraced this role is Iosefo Waqatabu, an employee of the Savusavu Town Council.

Three years ago, with limited education and few job opportunities, Iosefo turned to rubbish collection, which provided him with an essential source of income. It not only allowed him to provide for his family but also brought him happiness. “I love my job and it makes me happy because it helped me survive when I needed a lifeline,” Iosefo shared. His earnings enable him to cover bills, purchase food, and participate in community activities.

Iosefo’s work demands an early start. While the small seaside town of Savusavu is just waking up, he is already hard at work, collecting garbage along the roads from a green trash truck. He works six days a week, acknowledging that many people look down on his profession. He recalls feeling shy and ashamed when he first started, but he eventually adopted a positive mindset and found pride in his work. Despite others’ opinions, he understands the importance of his role in maintaining a clean and beautiful Savusavu.

Iosefo expresses concern over the apathy of some residents towards the environment, emphasizing the need for education on proper waste disposal. He notes that even with his set working hours, there always seems to be rubbish to collect. “People should change the way they treat the waste they create,” he said, urging respect for the environment.

Living in a tourism-dependent seaside town, Iosefo believes it’s essential for locals and the municipal council to work together. He advocates that no one should feel ashamed of their job, as long as it provides for their family. “Despite the dirt and smell I handle, I always remind myself that my job is very special,” he added.

His message reaches beyond personal pride, as he highlights the vital contributions of rubbish collectors to local economies, public health, and environmental sustainability. They deserve recognition and support for their hard work. Iosefo, originally from Votua, Ba, now resides in Savusavu with his wife from Urata Village, and together they raise their child.

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