Illustration of Dux Honour for Maraia

From Sacrifice to Success: A Father’s Pride in His Dux Daughter

Waqasaqa Votuwale has expressed immense pride and joy as he celebrates his daughter, Maraia Vuniwaqa, being named the dux of Valebasoga Secondary School in Labasa. The 18-year-old achieved this esteemed title during the recent prizegiving ceremony, scoring an impressive 405 out of 500 in her Year 13 annual examination.

Mr. Votuwale, a 55-year-old kava farmer from Bouma Village, Taveuni, shared that he and his wife made significant sacrifices to ensure their children’s educational success. They moved to Valebasoga, Labasa, leaving their village life behind, to afford their children better schooling opportunities. Mr. Votuwale acknowledged that this decision was not easy, especially as the family’s primary provider.

He recounted, “As the sole breadwinner, I had to put my children’s needs first. My wife and I didn’t complete secondary education due to financial challenges, but I didn’t want that to hold my children back.”

Maraia’s achievement comes as no surprise to her father, who highlights her unwavering commitment to her studies. She had previously earned the title of dux in the Fiji Year 12 Certificate Examination as well.

With dreams of becoming an accountant, Maraia expressed her heartfelt appreciation for her parents’ sacrifices. “As the head girl, I kept reminding myself to set a good example, and that is why I aimed for the dux award,” she said. “I am thankful for my parents’ sacrifices, and I will surely make them proud.”

This story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of education. It highlights the impact that parental support and sacrifices can have on a child’s future. With Maraia’s success, there is hope for many families to follow suit, demonstrating that dedication and hard work ultimately lead to achievement.


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