From Rotorua to Rhythm: How Reneel Singh Celebrates Fiji Indian Culture with “Jungli”

Filmmaker and content creator Reneel Singh has successfully launched his debut single, “Jungli,” after a two-year creative journey. Based in Hamilton, New Zealand, the artist, whose parents hail from Fiji, expressed that the inspiration behind creating “Jungli” stems from his admiration for Fiji Indian culture rather than a formal music background.

Reneel shared his deep connections to Fiji, explaining that his father is from Nadi and his mother from Lautoka. His parents relocated to New Zealand prior to his birth, and he spent his childhood in Rotorua, where they still reside today.

As a professional videographer, Reneel has primarily focused on content creation for events and businesses. However, he has recently shifted his attention to producing content that resonates with the Fiji Indian community. One of his notable accomplishments includes a six-episode web series titled “The Sunny Side of Ngongotaha,” which highlights the experiences of Fiji Indians in New Zealand. He is also working on several short films, indicating more projects are on the horizon.

Regarding “Jungli,” he explained his motivation by pointing out the absence of a pop anthem representative of the Fiji Indian community. He felt compelled to be a pioneer in creating a high-quality, professional song that could foster pride within the community. His emphasis was on storytelling rather than traditional singing.

“This is my very first time doing anything like this. But it’s definitely not the end. Seeing the positive reactions has only fueled my motivation to create even more,” Reneel added.

He elaborated on his choice of a party anthem and the title’s quirky nature. Recognizing the celebratory nature of Fiji Indians, he noted the lack of a song that encapsulates their lively spirit. The title “Jungli” reflects a nickname he acquired and embodies the vibrant energy he believes resonates with his community.

The production process spanned around two years, made possible by the substantial support from the local Fiji Indian community. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with listeners praising the song and the accompanying music video, particularly the eye-catching visuals and dance sequences.

Reneel cites the late Michael Jackson as a significant influence, admiring his unique ability to merge music with visual storytelling. He credits his parents for instilling values of hard work and perseverance in him.

As “Jungli” garners acclaim, Reneel plans to continue creating engaging entertainment content, with more songs and short films in development. He is even contemplating a feature film in the future.

Reneel emphasized the importance of community support, acknowledging that none of his achievements would have been possible without the incredible backing of the local Fiji Indian community. He concluded by stating, “This song isn’t just mine—it belongs to everyone who helped bring it to life.”

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