From Nadi to Suva: Shyal’s Journey to Becoming Fiji’s First Family Lawyer

Shyyal Kumar attributes her successful and grounded nature to the strict yet loving guidance of her parents. The 24-year-old reached a significant milestone last month when she graduated with a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the South Pacific in Suva.

This achievement has brought her closer to her aspirations, but she remains modest and acknowledges the obstacles she faced during her journey. She reminisces about the late nights spent finishing assignments and reviewing lecture notes, as well as the sacrifices made by being away from her family and friends in her hometown of Nadi.

Reflecting on her graduation, Shyyal described the moment she received her certificate as “all surreal.” She shared that the four years of academic pursuit were challenging as moving to Suva represented a significant change. The pressures of adjusting to a new environment pushed her out of her comfort zone.

Shyyal credits her parents for her success, stating, “They were always there for me, especially when I felt worried, depressed, or lonely. I always turned to them. They never pressured me to become a lawyer; the choice to pursue this profession was entirely mine.”

Coming from Votualevu in Nadi, the transition to Suva was substantial, and managing everything on her own was daunting. Nevertheless, she felt reassured knowing her parents supported her.

She expressed gratitude, saying, “I feel very honored and blessed. It’s all due to my parents and their hard work and love.” Shyyal plans to honor her family by becoming the first lawyer in her lineage.

“I hope to work at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP). I aspire to be a criminal lawyer, and I understand that being a lawyer is not easy,” she stated. She emphasized the necessity of commitment and dedication to improve the justice system in Fiji, recognizing the increasing crime rate.

With her degree completed, Shyyal looks forward to finishing her Professional Diploma in Legal Practice (PDLP) and being admitted to the bar. She encourages young Fijians who dream of entering the legal profession to stay focused.

“For those aspiring to be lawyers, consistency and focus are key. You must give your best and commit fully.”

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