From Motherhood to Graduation: A Journey of Determination and Dreams

After taking a four-year hiatus to care for her two children, Maria Adimainatuvu celebrated a significant milestone at the University of the South Pacific graduation ceremony yesterday. Overcome with emotion, she accepted her Bachelor of Commerce degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management, marking the beginning of her journey into the tourism sector.

“Completing this degree has greatly enhanced my self-esteem and provided me with an incredible sense of achievement,” Ms. Adimainatuvu remarked. She shared that returning to her studies after such a lengthy break while raising her family was no easy task, yet she found it to be immensely rewarding.

“There were numerous challenges along the way, but I remained committed to creating a brighter future for my children,” she added. She believes that her accomplishment serves as a strong example for her children, emphasizing the value of education, persistence, and self-improvement.

Balancing academic demands with family responsibilities has sharpened her problem-solving abilities and adaptability. With her family values as her foundation, Ms. Adimainatuvu feels a renewed sense of pride and respect, cultivating a nurturing atmosphere at home.

Hailing from Kaba Village in Tailevu, the 27-year-old is optimistic about her future, stating that with the unwavering support of her peers, friends, and family, nothing can hold her back. “Nothing is impossible; this will not be my last graduation. I plan to pursue further studies.”

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