From Hymns to Harmony: The Rise of Siovorosi Naisevu

Many aspiring musicians and vocalists share similar backgrounds on their journey to musical achievement. While some credit their passion to the influence of others, many acknowledge that the foundation of their singing skills often originates from experiences in church.

For 38-year-old Siovorosi Naisevu, a love for singing began in childhood, inspired by the hymns practiced by his uncles and aunts at home. “Interestingly, I never imagined I would be drawn to music as a child,” Naisevu remarked. “However, over time, being present at my relatives’ choir practices made me appreciate it more. My interest in singing grew, and I started learning how to be an effective singer in church.”

Hailing from Namara in Kadavu and with maternal connections to the same village, Naisevu has established himself as a respected choirmaster and conductor for two church choirs, the Mount Hermon Church choir and Wasewase ko Suvavou choir. Additionally, he serves as an assistant to the Kadavu Choir leader.

“I joined the Kadavu Choir in 2006 under the guidance of Lai Veikoso and Tomasi Nacagilevu when I was 20 years old,” he shared. His enthusiasm for learning expanded thereafter, leading him to master reading music sheets and become proficient in tonic sol-fa, a musical notation system.

Naisevu expressed his surprise at his journey: “Reflecting on my experiences, it’s astonishing because I never considered singing as a path for me when I was younger. While my parents don’t sing, the rest of my family does.”

His family’s musical legacy spans four generations, with ancestors renowned for their skills in traditional chant composition. “I believe that same talent has been passed down to me,” he stated. “Even though my parents don’t share the same musical passion, I take pride in the strong musical lineage in our family. It has been some time since a family member actively pursued this passion, and I am thankful to fulfill what I believe is my destiny.”

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