From Hymns to Harmony: Siovorosi Naisevu’s Musical Journey

Many aspiring musicians and vocalists share similar beginnings on their path to musical success. While some attribute their passion to influential figures in their lives, a consensus among many is that the foundational skills of singing are often learned in church.

For Siovorosi Naisevu, a 38-year-old from Kadavu, his love for singing ignited in his childhood as he listened to his relatives practicing hymns at home. “Interestingly, I never thought I would be interested in singing as a child,” Naisevu recalled. “However, over the years, I became familiar with it by watching my aunt and uncles during their choir practices.”

As time passed, Naisevu developed a fondness for singing and honed his skills to become a proficient singer in church. Now a respected choirmaster and conductor for two church choirs, Mount Hermon Church choir and Wasewase ko Suvavou choir, he also serves as an assistant to the Kadavu Choir leader.

Naisevu joined the Kadavu Choir in 2006 at the age of 20, learning from experienced mentors like Lai Veikoso and Tomasi Nacagilevu. “I grew more interested in what I was learning, and my knowledge expanded,” he noted. “Today, I can confidently say I have mastered the art of reading music sheets and am well-versed in tonic sol-fa, a musical notation system.”

Reflecting on his journey, Naisevu expressed surprise at how far he has come, considering that music was not a thought in his childhood. “My parents don’t sing, but the rest of my family does,” he mentioned, highlighting the rich musical legacy in his family that traces back four generations to ancestors known for their expertise in traditional chants.

“I believe that talent has been passed down to me,” said Naisevu. “While my parents may not share the same passion, I take pride in the music that runs in our blood. It’s been a long time since someone in my family pursued music, and I feel fortunate to fulfill what I believe is my calling.”

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