Mere Yabakivou, hailing from Nairukuruku Village, has successfully transformed her love for beekeeping into a flourishing enterprise known as Yabakivou Liquid Gold. Following her experiences in the fields of public health and aviation security, she decided to dedicate herself entirely to bee farming during the COVID-19 pandemic, a decision that has proven to be both timely and fruitful.
Yabakivou’s journey began in 2012, and despite facing challenges such as equipment shortages, she was able to innovate and receive important support from the Agriculture office in Tavua. She highlights the unique aspect of beekeeping, noting that bees require minimal maintenance in terms of feeding and hydration, allowing her to focus on ensuring their health and productivity.
What began as a family pastime quickly evolved into a business as demand for her honey surged. “We enjoyed honey at home, which helped us reduce our sugar intake. Now, I sell 500ml bottles for $13 and 1kg for $20,” she shared, illustrating her entrepreneurial spirit.
In 2023, Mere formally registered her business and expanded her product line to include beeswax items. With support from the Fiji Beekeepers Association and the Agriculture Ministry, her commitment and inventiveness have not only fostered her own success but also serve as an inspiration to others to pursue their own entrepreneurial aspirations.
Mere encourages others, stating, “Don’t look back or let challenges discourage you; trust in God to help you achieve your goals.”
This story exemplifies how one individual’s dedication and passion can lead to unexpected opportunities, especially in challenging times. As more people find ways to turn personal interests into profitable ventures, it brings hope and inspiration for others to pursue their dreams, contributing to community resilience and innovation.
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