Illustration of Yabakivou turns beekeeping into a thriving business

From Hive to Thrive: The Inspiring Journey of a Beekeeping Entrepreneur

Mere Yabakivou, hailing from Nairukuruku Village, has successfully transformed her passion for beekeeping into a flourishing business named Yabakivou Liquid Gold.

With a background in public health and aviation security, Mere decided to pursue bee farming full-time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflecting on her decision, she states, “During the COVID-19 pandemic, I came back home on leave and decided to take up bee farming full-time.”

Starting her beekeeping journey in 2012, she faced challenges like equipment shortages, but her determination and support from the Agriculture office in Tavua helped her overcome these obstacles. “With bees, we don’t have to worry about feeding them or providing water. I could check on them regularly to ensure their health,” she explains.

What began as a family hobby of consuming honey has now evolved into a successful business. The demand for her honey has increased significantly, allowing her to price 500ml bottles at $13 and 1kg jars at $20.

In 2023, Mere took her venture further by registering her business and expanding her product line to include beeswax items. With guidance from the Fiji Beekeepers Association and the Agriculture Ministry, her dedication and innovative spirit have not only fueled her own success but also serve as inspiration for others to pursue their dreams.

Mere encourages aspiring entrepreneurs with her mantra: “Don’t look back or let challenges discourage you; trust in God to help you achieve your goals.”

This story highlights how adaptability and passion can lead to remarkable successes, especially during challenging times. Mere Yabakivou’s journey can inspire many, encouraging them to follow their aspirations regardless of obstacles. With her flourishing business, she proves that there are opportunities to thrive, even in the face of adversity.

In summary, Mere’s transition from public health and aviation security to beekeeping illustrates the power of pursuing one’s passion, supported by community resources and personal resilience, while inspiring others to chase their dreams despite challenges.


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