From Hardship to Triumph: A Young Woman’s Inspiring Journey

Sohana Sital Chand, a 19-year-old from Nabua, has proven that determination can transform struggles into opportunities. Despite facing challenges growing up in a broken family, she found hope and resilience while residing at Homes of Hope, a local organization dedicated to providing care and support for young mothers and their children.

Recently, Ms. Chand celebrated her graduation with a Certificate 3 in Tourism Hospitality from ServicePro International Tourism Hospitality Institute in Nasinu. She recognizes the importance of the roles women play and believes this course has significantly enhanced her skills, enabling her to perform daily tasks in a more professional manner.

During her time at Homes of Hope, Ms. Chand received sponsorship in 2020 to pursue her studies in the tourism hospitality sector, which she describes as a second chance at life. She emphasizes the importance of self-improvement and took the opportunity with gratitude, viewing it as a blessing.

Balancing household responsibilities with her education was a significant challenge for Ms. Chand. After completing her morning chores, she focused on her studies during class and continued with her household duties after school, often sacrificing sleep to complete assignments.

Now that her schooling is complete, Ms. Chand looks forward to the future. Her advice to others facing difficulties is to prioritize happiness and authenticity over seeking approval from others. She believes that life is too short to overthink and encourages individuals to embrace their true selves, even if it means disappointing some people along the way.

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