From Farm Roots to Diamond Dreams: The Inspiring Journey of Reshma Singh

Reshma Singh has made an impressive journey from her modest origins on a farm to becoming a successful figure in the diamond industry. Growing up as the eldest of five siblings in Nawaicoba, Nadi, she credits her success to a solid work ethic, loyalty, and perseverance.

Her father was a farmer who primarily grew sugarcane, while her mother managed domestic duties. Reshma was educated at Nawaicoba Public School and Sri Vivekananda High School. However, her academic progress was interrupted in 1987 when a military coup affected her life significantly.

“That was a very troubling time for me and my family,” she recalled, mentioning how the tensions forced the community to stay indoors. Despite the challenges, her grandfather pushed for her to resume her education, allowing her to complete Form 6.

Following her studies, she initially worked on the family farm before an uncle recognized her potential and helped her land a job at Tappoos as a stock coordinator. After three years, Ms. Singh moved to Prouds, starting in a junior position but quickly advancing to become an executive buyer due to her hard work.

In 2000, she became a retail manager, a role she fulfilled for 23 years before being promoted to general manager late last year. “I have been with Prouds for 32 years. And yes, I can say I have succeeded a lot in this company,” she stated.

Reflecting on her achievements, Ms. Singh believes they result from her experiences and the obstacles she overcame. While she sometimes thinks about furthering her education, she emphasizes that her practical experiences and strong work ethic have been the key contributors to her success.

Ms. Singh is also a dedicated mother to her 29-year-old son, a lawyer at Munro Leys, whom she describes as “my heart.” She prioritizes kindness and compassion, which she incorporates into both her personal life and her interactions at work.

For the younger generation, she offers straightforward advice: “If you work hard, you’re going to succeed.” Looking ahead, she expresses her commitment to Prouds, stating, “As long as I’m happy, I will work for Prouds.” She likens her journey to the diamonds she sells, saying, “Like the diamonds we have here on display, the more I’m cut, carved and polished, the more I shine.”

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