From Farm Roots to Diamond Dreams: Reshma Singh’s Inspiring Journey

Reshma Singh has made an impressive journey from her early life on a farm to becoming a key player in the diamond industry. Hailing from Nawaicoba, Nadi, she is the eldest of five siblings and represents success characterized by hard work, loyalty, and perseverance.

“My father was a farmer focusing on sugarcane, while my mother was dedicated to household duties,” Ms. Singh shared. She began her education at Nawaicoba Public School and later attended Sri Vivekananda High School. However, her academic progress was interrupted in 1987 due to the country’s first military coup, which brought significant challenges to her family.

“That was a very troubling time for me,” she recalled, noting that her inability to complete Form 6 added to the difficulties. Nevertheless, her grandfather fought for her education, enabling her to return to school and finish her studies.

After graduating, Ms. Singh worked on the family farm until an uncle recognized her abilities and helped her land a job at Tappoos. She started her professional career as a stock coordinator. After spending three years there, she moved to Prouds, where she began in a junior position but quickly rose through the ranks due to her hard work.

“I started as a stock coordinator and was promoted to executive buyer. By 2000, I became a retail manager, a role I held for 23 years until I was promoted to general manager late last year,” she stated. With 32 years at Prouds, Ms. Singh feels accomplished in her career.

Reflecting on her journey, she attributes her success to both her experiences and the obstacles she overcame. While she values the importance of education, she believes her practical knowledge gained through experience has been more instrumental in her achievements.

In her personal life, Ms. Singh is a proud mother to her 29-year-old son, who works as a lawyer at Munro Leys. She describes her son as “my heart” and emphasizes the significance of kindness and compassion—values she incorporates into her interactions with colleagues and customers alike.

To the younger generation, Reshma advises, “If you work hard, you’re going to succeed.” She is committed to continuing her career at Prouds, stating, “As long as I’m happy, I will work for Prouds.” She likens her growth to the diamonds she showcases, saying, “The more I’m cut, carved, and polished, the more I shine.”

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