Viliame Magitilailai is excited to embark on his secondary school journey at Marist Brothers High School (MBHS) this year. Hailing from Tokou Village in the Nasinu district of Ovalau, Magitilailai was named dux of Marist Convent School in Levuka in the previous year. Receiving this prestigious recognition was both a joyous and bittersweet farewell as he transitions from Levuka to Suva for his studies.
Magitilailai is among a select group of students moving to MBHS this year, joined by the school’s head boy, Gabriel Rarawa from Visoto Village in Lovoni. At the recent prize-giving ceremony, Annie Robinson, a Marist Convent alumna and the Sales and Marketing manager for Fiji Times, served as the chief guest. Notable figures in Fijian history, like the late Tui Nayau and former President Ratu Kamisese Mara, have also had their educational foundations at this esteemed institution, which was founded in 1882.
During her address, Ms. Robinson congratulated both students and teachers for their achievements and extended her best wishes to the Year 8 graduates as they prepare to enter secondary school. Last year, the school had a roll of 329 students, providing invaluable education to many on Ovalau Island, culminating in the graduation of 45 Year 8 students.
This article highlights the importance of educational milestones and the bittersweet transitions students face as they progress through their academic journeys. As Magitilailai and his peers look ahead to their new beginnings at MBHS, it serves as a reminder of the opportunities that education brings and the bright futures that lie ahead for these young scholars.
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