From Depression to Graduation: One Man’s Inspiring Journey to Success

Waisale Taufa Tavatuilagi has overcome significant challenges to achieve his long-held dream of earning a degree. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Finance from the University of the South Pacific, Mr. Tavatuilagi reflected on the arduous journey he faced, particularly dealing with depression.

His aspiration to become a lawyer did not come to fruition a decade ago, prompting him to shift his focus towards becoming a bank officer and ultimately joining the ranks of USP alumni.

Mr. Tavatuilagi explained that a positive mindset was essential in his journey. He emphasized the importance of surrounding himself with quality individuals and establishing a supportive network. “With the right attitude and strong support from my family, I was able to persevere,” he noted. “I was determined to break free from the constraints of depression. I challenged myself to view situations differently and maintain a positive outlook.”

Hailing from Nabouciwa, Nakelo, Tailevu, and connected to Nasaqalau, Lakeba in Lau, the 33-year-old remains committed to becoming the best version of himself whenever given the chance. He acknowledged depression as a significant obstacle he faced while pursuing his degree, crediting the unwavering support of friends who believed in him and encouraged him to push through despite the difficulties he encountered.

“God was at the center of it all, and I am thankful for the gifts of family and friendship,” he expressed.

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