From Depression to Graduation: One Man’s Inspiring Journey

Waisale Taufa Tavatuilagi faced significant challenges in dealing with depression, but recently achieved a significant milestone by graduating from the University of the South Pacific. Attaining this qualification was a long-held dream for him.

A decade ago, Mr. Tavatuilagi aspired to become a lawyer, but when that did not come to fruition, he redirected his ambitions towards becoming a bank officer and joining the USP alumni network. He has now successfully reached this goal.

Mr. Tavatuilagi emphasized the importance of developing a positive mindset to navigate his journey. He focused on surrounding himself with supportive and quality people, which he considers a key element in overcoming his struggles. He attributed his determination to break free from the grasp of depression to his supportive family and friends.

Originating from Nabouciwa, Nakelo in Tailevu, and with maternal ties to Nasaqalau in Lakeba, Lau, the 33-year-old is committed to becoming the best version of himself whenever given the opportunity. He described depression as one of the biggest challenges he encountered while pursuing his degree.

He expressed gratitude for the encouragement he received from his peers, who believed in him despite the obstacles he faced. Ultimately, Mr. Tavatuilagi credits his faith and the strength of his family and friendships as central to his success.

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