From Degree to Entrepreneur: How One Young Woman Found Freedom in Business

Payal Prasad has embraced entrepreneurship, finding fulfillment in being her own boss. Despite holding a bachelor’s degree in commerce with a focus on accounting and economics, she chooses to direct her own path rather than pursue a traditional office job. At 25, she has established a small but growing kava business located in the Suva market.

In August 2021, during the financially challenging times brought on by the pandemic, Ms. Prasad launched Prasad’s Quality Kava. Although it was a difficult decision, she has no regrets. “My family faced financial struggles due to COVID-19, similar to many others,” Ms. Prasad shared. “Even with my degree, securing a job during those times was tough.”

One day, while discussing their situation with her family, her mother suggested the idea of starting a business. Although both her parents have passed away, Ms. Prasad continues to receive support from her brother, who also runs a kava business in Labasa, assisting her with supply procurement from Savusavu, Labasa, and Taveuni.

Ms. Prasad serves both regular and casual customers. To thrive in a competitive market, she utilizes social media to enhance her product visibility and increase sales. Being her own boss has long been a dream for her, providing the freedom she desired. “I don’t wish to work anywhere else because my business allows me the freedom to operate as I choose,” she remarked.

She acknowledges the inherent challenges of running a business but has managed to navigate those difficulties by making informed decisions. The competition in the kava market is significant, with numerous vendors, prompting her to focus on offering the best prices and quality to attract customers. By developing a strong customer base, she is successfully competing with more established vendors.

Ms. Prasad stresses the importance of perseverance for young people struggling to find employment after graduation. “Finding a good job right after graduating can be challenging. Starting a small business with family support can be a stepping stone before transitioning into a corporate role once a suitable opportunity arises.”

She is optimistic about her business’s future and expresses contentment with her current progress, stating, “I’m happy with my business growth, and I don’t believe I will need to seek other job opportunities.”

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