From Darkness to Light: Kalesi’s Journey of Survival and Redemption

Kalesi Volatabu’s journey from a challenging past to resilience started with the harsh realities of homelessness, addiction, and emotional turmoil. In a recent interview, she opened up about her experiences battling crystal methamphetamine addiction while living in Australia, away from her family.

Originally from Suva, Fiji, Kalesi dreamed of becoming a lawyer to advocate for justice. At the age of 13, she relocated to Australia due to the political upheaval caused by the 1987 coup in Fiji, which her parents believed would provide her with better opportunities. Kalesi’s initial excitement quickly waned as she faced the loneliness of being separated from her family and the unforeseen complications of her visa status.

As weeks passed in Sydney, Kalesi struggled with feelings of abandonment and confusion. She felt isolated and turned to nearby Fijian churches for support, but her experiences there were disappointing. This ultimately led her to the streets, where survival became her primary focus. With no home and grappling with emotional distress, Kalesi began to experiment with alcohol and drugs as coping mechanisms, eventually turning to crystal meth.

The drug provided a temporary escape from her reality but ushered in further trauma and suffering. Kalesi fell into a downward spiral marked by physical abuse and suicidal thoughts, yet she eventually found a path to recovery with the help of a supportive individual in her life. Securing permanent residency helped stabilize her situation, prompting her to become involved in rehabilitation efforts and support for those facing similar struggles.

Kalesi is now a strong advocate for drug awareness and community education. She founded Drug Free World Fiji and participated in the launch of Fiji’s first National Counter Narcotics Strategy 2023-2028. Her story serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating the power of resilience and the importance of addressing drug-related stigma. Kalesi encourages others to educate themselves about the harms of substance abuse, emphasizing that community-led initiatives are crucial in fight against addiction.

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