From Darkness to Joy: A Family’s Battle Against Childhood Cancer

For many parents, discovering that their child is ill can be a devastating experience. This was the reality for Wainibuka residents Meresiana Leba and Seremaia Namanurua when their newborn son, Orisi Ratulevu, was diagnosed with cancer shortly after birth.

While Ms. Leba didn’t recall the exact type of cancer, she expressed relief when discussing how the tumor affecting her son’s stomach was successfully removed. Now, Orisi is back to playing with other children in the village.

“I didn’t get to see him for three weeks after I gave birth because he was in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU),” Ms. Leba shared. “The doctors found a cyst in his stomach, and they asked us to stay for a few more days for additional tests.”

Eventually, the family received the heartbreaking news that Orisi had cancer. They spent another month in the hospital before it was decided he would need surgery to remove the cancerous cyst and the bile that had spread in his stomach.

“I signed all the permission forms for the surgery, hoping for my baby’s survival. I had no idea they would also remove his left kidney because I wasn’t informed,” she explained. “The doctors later told us it was necessary as the bile was affecting it.”

Now a robust one-year-old, Orisi’s diet is carefully managed due to his surgery, as he is advised against consuming cold foods or drinks and is encouraged to stay warm.

“He’s an energetic child, and we feel fortunate that the doctors managed to remove the cancer successfully,” Ms. Leba said. “We follow a strict diet, allowing only greens and no meat, including no dry powdered milk. But aside from that, he walks and talks just like any other one-year-old.”

The family expressed immense gratitude for the support they received during this challenging time. Ms. Leba’s mother and sister frequently checked in and provided warm clothing and diapers, while organizations like WOWS Kids Fiji assisted with transportation costs, medicine, and groceries.

“We want to thank the doctors, our families, and the WOWS Kids foundation for all the help they’ve provided,” she said. “We truly feel blessed.”

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