From Darkness to Graduation: One Man’s Journey Through Depression

Waisale Taufa Tavatuilagi recently graduated from the University of the South Pacific, marking the culmination of a long-held ambition. Reflecting on his journey, Mr. Tavatuilagi noted that overcoming depression was one of the toughest challenges he faced along the way.

A decade ago, Mr. Tavatuilagi aspired to become a lawyer, but that dream did not come to fruition. Instead, he shifted his focus towards becoming a bank officer and aimed to join the ranks of USP alumni. His determination has paid off, as he now celebrates the attainment of this significant milestone.

Mr. Tavatuilagi attributes much of his progress to a positive mindset and the support of quality individuals in his life. “I associated myself more with quality people and found the right support network,” he shared. He emphasized the importance of having a strong support system from his family in his struggle against depression.

Determined to overcome his challenges, he focused on viewing situations positively and changing his perspective. Hailing from Nabouciwa, Nakelo in Tailevu and with maternal ties to Nasaqalau, Lakeba, Lau, the 33-year-old is committed to becoming the best version of himself when presented with opportunities.

Mr. Tavatuilagi described depression as a towering obstacle during his academic pursuits. He expressed gratitude towards his peers, who believed in him and motivated him to persevere despite the difficulties he encountered. He acknowledged that faith and family have been central to his journey, stating, “God was right at the center of it all, I’m just grateful for the gift of family and friendship.”

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