From Crisis to Creativity: How One Man Found His Passion in Horticulture

After dedicating twenty years to the tourism sector, Meli Rokotakala found his true calling amid the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, he left his position in Nadi and returned to his home in Nabalebale Village, Cakaudrove. This period of reflection allowed him to identify the talents he possessed.

While enjoying the tranquility of his backyard garden, Meli developed a passion for the vibrant beauty of flowers. This love for horticulture inspired him to create decorative arrangements for homes, a pastime that evolved into a thriving business. Drawing on his experience from working with South Sea Cruises, Fiji Club, and Tuitai Adventure Cruises, Meli established his own enterprise—Meli’s Artfeast Investment.

Since launching his business, Meli has gained recognition as a prominent event decorator in Savusavu and Labasa, lending his creative skills to various events such as birthday parties, weddings, funerals, corporate functions, and religious ceremonies. Known for his perfectionism, Meli handpicks flowers from his garden, ensuring each design showcases his artistic vision.

Taking significant steps toward financial independence, Meli also opened a savings account with the BSP branch in Savusavu.

When he discovered BSP’s three-day workshop in partnership with Australian Business Volunteers (ABV) under the THRIVE programme, Meli eagerly joined to enhance his business acumen. The THRIVE programme—an acronym for “Together, Helping to build a Resilient, Inclusive, and Vibrant Economy”—aims to empower entrepreneurs with essential management skills.

Meli understands that success in business is not solely based on passion but also on the ability to manage finances effectively. He believes that not everyone is destined for traditional job roles, highlighting the potential for young people to succeed as entrepreneurs if they receive the necessary support.

As the eldest of four siblings and a former student of Savusavu Secondary School, Meli advocates for pursuing fulfilling work. He noted the prevalence of job dissatisfaction among individuals who remain in their roles for the sake of family obligations, emphasizing the importance of discovering personal happiness in one’s career.

Meli expressed heartfelt thanks to BSP and ABV for the workshop in Labasa, which he considered transformative. He encourages youth to explore their unique skills and to contribute positively to their communities instead of conforming to societal expectations.

The THRIVE programme began in 2019 as the “Your Enterprise Scheme” (YES) at BSP headquarters in Papua New Guinea, designed to support Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by providing critical knowledge and resources. The programme was adapted by BSP Fiji to better meet local needs, reflecting its commitment to fostering a resilient and inclusive economy.

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