Shelly Tokalauvere, a 22-year-old from Sawaieke Village in Gau, has successfully completed her Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Finance from Fiji National University.
In reflecting on her academic journey, Tokalauvere shared her experience of leaving her family to pursue higher education, acknowledging that the challenges she faced were significant but ultimately rewarding. “Wearing this gown reminds me of how I was able to overcome all the challenges that came my way. I feel so proud, and I encourage students to work hard because I want them to experience the same sense of accomplishment I feel right now,” she stated.
She dedicated her achievement to her family, particularly her father, who provided essential support throughout her studies. “I want to dedicate this achievement to my family and friends, especially my dad. He is the one I called when I felt like giving up or when things got tough. He reminded me why I started and encouraged me to see it through to the end,” she expressed.
Tokalauvere emphasized the importance of having a support system, saying that a little encouragement goes a long way during challenging times.
This inspiring story serves as a reminder of resilience and the power of family support in achieving personal and academic goals. It highlights the importance of perseverance and can motivate others who may be facing their own challenges in pursuit of education.
Summary: Shelly Tokalauvere, a graduate from Fiji National University, reflects on her journey overcoming challenges in pursuit of her degree. She credits her family, especially her father, for their unwavering support throughout her studies. Her story inspires others to persist in their educational endeavors.
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