From Challenges to Triumph: A Graduation Journey Unveiled

After six years of hard work, Avisaki Buirokotuiloma has successfully completed her Bachelor of Education program at the University of the South Pacific. Supported by her parents, who played a crucial role in financing her education, Ms. Buirokotuiloma also took on part-time jobs to ensure she could finish her degree.

Graduating on Friday was a momentous occasion for her, marking the realization of a long-held dream. She faced significant challenges in securing enough funds for her courses, and at times considered giving up. However, she credited her parents’ unwavering support and encouragement as her main sources of motivation throughout her journey.

Expressing her gratitude, Ms. Buirokotuiloma acknowledged the prayers and support from family and friends, stating that their backing was instrumental in her success. Balancing her studies with household responsibilities was not easy, but she emphasized that having access to the right information and support systems made a notable difference.

Hailing from Navuniyasi in Naitasiri, her lifelong ambition of becoming a teacher is now within reach. She has always pictured herself in a classroom, and that dream is gradually coming to fruition. With her new degree, she looks forward to securing stable employment and contributing to her family. Reflecting on her journey, she expressed that it is never too late to achieve one’s goals and is thrilled to have accomplished this important milestone.

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