From Adversity to Ambition: Stella’s Inspiring Journey to Independence

At just 26 years old, Stella Selina has encountered challenges that many might not face throughout their life. Hailing from Kadavu and raised in a fractured household in Veisari near Lami, her childhood was fraught with instability as her parents’ marriage deteriorated.

“My younger brother and I lived with our mother until I turned 10, and we had to navigate social welfare, as our mother was unemployed,” Stella recounted. The eventual separation of her parents marked the beginning of a difficult upbringing, where involvement with social welfare and court disputes became commonplace.

After spending her childhood shifting between living with her mother, father, and various relatives, Stella longed for stability and a brighter future. Despite these hardships, she maintained her resilience. At 16, she chose to leave school to support her family.

“Since our life was challenging, I had to drop out from high school to help my mum, especially since she had begun a new family,” Stella explained. Though her stepfather offered love and support, her commitment to assisting her younger brother remained a priority for her.

At 17, she began working at a media company, taking on multiple roles and double shifts. Later, while working as a sales assistant at Harrison’s, she met her future husband, Rav Neil Prakash. The couple wed when Stella was just 19 and now live in Sawani with their two children, a seven-year-old daughter and a one-year-old son.

“Even though my husband supports me, it’s important to be independent,” she said. “My main goal is to gain independence because, throughout my life, I have worked numerous shifts and grew weary of working for someone else. I aspire to run my own business.”

This aspiration was facilitated by the “Start and Improve Your Own Business” training offered by the Ministry of Trade. With encouragement from her mother-in-law, Stella seized the chance to equip herself with the necessary knowledge and skills to make her vision a reality.

Now, Stella is more motivated than ever to achieve her goals. “I have learned how to run and manage my future business… I look forward to attending more training sessions down the line.”

Her advice to young girls and women striving for independence is to “leverage available resources and never depend on others to define your success.” With her newfound training, Stella is ready to pursue her dreams, proving that even the toughest beginnings can lead to extraordinary success.

“I understand struggles well, but with perseverance and realistic goals, anyone can accomplish anything.”

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