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FPSA Strike Negotiations: Progress Made Towards Ending Dispute

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After days of disruptions caused by the strike of more than 100 members of the Fiji Public Service Association (FPSA), significant progress has been made in negotiations to end the dispute.

A strike prompted by issues regarding pay and job classifications had paralyzed mail handling, closed post offices, and impacted manual telephone exchanges and outward international calls. A ministry statement noted that a meeting of stakeholders was fruitful, leading to a potential conclusion of the strike.

Varma Nand, the former principal labor officer, indicated that the FPSA was expected to recommend a return to work following the talks. The strike, encompassing sectors like posts and telecommunications, was in response to the FPSA’s grievances against the Public Service Commission.

The negotiations, which lasted from 10 am until later that evening, involved representatives from the Public Service Commission, the FPSA, and the Labour Department. Sources close to the discussions revealed that progress was made on the issue of job evaluation for Posts and Telecommunications staff, a key demand of the FPSA. However, a sticking point remained regarding a demand for a special clause in the Public Service Commission’s offer, prioritizing the evaluation of education officers.

This unresolved issue kept Posts and Telecommunications workers on strike. The walkout also affected other sectors, including education officers, secretaries, and typists. Despite the disruptions caused by the strike, Director of Telecommunications Emori Naqova expressed satisfaction with the functioning of automatic telephone systems and emphasized the importance of public tolerance and understanding during this challenging period.

Given the progress made during the talks, the Ministry of Labour stated that the dispute is “nearing settlement.” Varma Nand affirmed that verbal agreements were reached, pending approval by FPSA members. The atmosphere during the negotiations was described as “amicable,” indicating a willingness from both sides to reach a resolution.

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