Former Minister Granted Overseas Travel Amid Corruption Charges

Former Fisheries and Forests Minister Kalaveti Ravu has received permission to travel abroad later this month. However, the Magistrates Court has stipulated that Ravu must submit his travel itinerary to the Court Registry before his passport is released and the stop-departure order is lifted.

Resident Magistrate Jeremaia Savou stated, “The application for bail variation is granted. Nonetheless, the release of the passport and the lifting of the stop-departure order will only occur once the itinerary is filed at the registry and a copy provided to the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption.”

Ravu faces charges of abuse of office, as does Regional Manager North Tekata Toaisi, who is accused of aiding and abetting in the abuse of office.

The allegations claim that between July 25, 2023, and August 31, 2023, Ravu interfered with the lawful investigation by the Ministry of Forestry into the illegal trade of restricted beche-de-mer species. It is also alleged that Toaisi, while in the Ministry’s employ, assisted Ravu in committing the offense.

The case has been postponed until January 7 for a Pre-Trial Conference to be finalized. Bail has been extended for both individuals.

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