Former FijiFirst MPs Support Prime Minister: What’s Next?

Nine former FijiFirst MPs who have declared their support for Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka will continue to work for and represent the constituents who elected them. In an interview with the media, Rabuka expressed that he had advised the MPs to keep advocating for their beliefs in the interest of the people.

“Yes, I did have a meeting with the nine MPs on Sunday,” Rabuka stated. “It was very humbling. They were very strong supporters of the party that has now been de-registered.”

He emphasized the importance of continuing to represent their voters, rather than the party itself. “They should participate in the parliamentary debate and continue to promote what they believe in and within the interest of the people. They can do that across the floor and liaise with us and the ministers involved in those areas,” Rabuka added.

Rabuka clarified that there was no formal agreement made during the meeting. “They just came to tell me that they were supporting me as Prime Minister, and they will continue to sit at the Opposition benches as Independents.”

Rabuka also mentioned plans to discuss with the Speaker of the House, Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, about providing the MPs with a separate facility. “We are hoping that if they are not included in the Opposition caucus meetings, they should have a separate facility for themselves, and I will talk to the Honourable Speaker about it,” he said.

The other two coalition parties have reportedly welcomed the idea, with Rabuka assuring that “none of them is threatened. None of the Coalition Cabinet ministers is threatened.”

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