Forgiveness Triumphs After Heartbreaking Grave Desecration

The family of Eparama Dremoka, a former Under-16 rugby player at Marist Brothers High School, who passed away recently, has opted for forgiveness instead of seeking justice after discovering his grave had been vandalized.

In June, the Dremoka family laid their son to rest, but they were devastated last Friday when they saw disturbing images on social media showing his grave at the Lovonilase cemetery in Walu Bay, Suva, completely burnt and flowers reduced to ashes.

Kaminieli Dremoka, Eparama’s father, expressed his distress when contacted regarding the incident. “I can’t say anything because I don’t know anything. Pursuing this would bring more hurt to us as his parents, so we have talked about it as a couple and have chosen to forgive,” he stated.

He reflected on the possibility of someone harboring ill feelings toward his son but emphasized the need to let go of that anger. “We were in Nadi when we saw the pictures posted on the Marist Brotherhood’s page. I couldn’t help but think of what my son would do in this situation. My son was full of positivity; this is the devil’s work to bring more anger and hatred among us,” Mr. Dremoka said.

Grateful for the support they received, Mr. Dremoka praised the parents of the U16 rugby team who organized to meet last Saturday at the grave site to restore it. “When we came back on Saturday afternoon to check, the grave was like it was before,” he noted. He expressed deep appreciation for the ongoing support of the U16 boys and their parents, who have consistently looked out for one another since Eparama’s passing.

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