Illustration of FNPF introduces Transfer of Savings on Entitlement for members

FNPF Unveils Game-Changing Savings Transfer Feature for Members

The Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF) has introduced an innovative feature known as the ‘Transfer of Savings on Entitlement,’ aimed at enhancing financial flexibility and support for its members effective this year. This new initiative allows FNPF members approaching entitlement events, such as retirement, to transfer a portion of their savings to a family member’s FNPF account.

This development represents a significant change from the conventional contribution-based system and addresses the unique financial situations faced by members. FNPF’s Chief Executive Officer Viliame Vodonaivalu noted that this initiative was made possible through recent amendments to the FNPF Act of 2011, permitting members to assign part or all of their entitlement payouts under specific conditions.

The new feature allows members to transfer their entitlement payouts or benefits to other FNPF members, including designated beneficiaries. Vodonaivalu emphasized that this initiative is particularly useful in circumstances involving medical incapacitation or death, helping to ensure that families receive necessary financial support during tough times.

The launch of this product is part of FNPF’s broader strategy to provide customized financial solutions that cater to the evolving needs of its members. This forward-thinking approach not only empowers members to make informed financial decisions but also helps strengthen family bonds by providing a safety net in times of need.

In summary, the FNPF’s new feature promotes greater financial security and flexibility for its members and their families, marking a positive step towards supporting the diverse needs of the community. This initiative reflects a commitment to adapting services that provide tangible value and support to members throughout their financial journeys.


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