Following the recent severe flooding in Nadi, authorities have instructed 190 evacuees to return to their homes. However, five families have requested an extension for their stay at the Andrews Primary School evacuation center, citing ongoing high water levels near their residences.
Many of the evacuees come from low-lying regions such as Nawaijikuma and Nawakalevu settlement. Nadi District Officer Alifereti Abenisiga has urged evacuees to clear the classrooms by 3 p.m. yesterday, emphasizing the need for families to return home despite the lingering concerns of the five families regarding potential rain.
One evacuee, Veveni Waqamasinika, mentioned the families’ worries about the water levels and potential rain, explaining that they have been checking on their homes and cleaning up after the flood. He expressed gratitude for the shelter provided by the evacuation center and highlighted the assistance they received from various organizations, including support from the local Muslim community, the Hare Krishna group, the People’s Alliance party, Frenzco Beverage Limited, and other NGOs.
This situation, although challenging for those affected, demonstrates a strong sense of community as various groups come together to assist those in need. The resilience shown by the families and the collective support from local organizations provide a beacon of hope amid adversity as the evacuees begin to return to their homes.
In summary, while the immediate situation remains concerning for a few families, the support they have received indicates a robust community effort to help residents recover from the flooding.
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