Finding Joy in the Dirt: The Unsung Hero of Savusavu

Collecting garbage is often regarded as an undervalued job fraught with negativity due to its association with dirt. However, without garbage collectors, our communities would quickly become overwhelmed with waste.

Iosefo Waqatabu, an employee of the Savusavu Town Council, has discovered joy in his work of picking up litter. Three years ago, he found himself with limited education and bleak job prospects, making garbage collection an essential means of support. It provided for his family and allowed him to participate in community activities, making him content with his work.

“I love my job, and it brings me happiness because it helped me survive when I needed it most,” Iosefo shared. He emphasizes that his earnings help cover bills and basic needs, as well as support his involvement in village, family, and church events.

Iosefo begins his day early, ensuring that by the time Savusavu wakes up, he is already actively removing garbage from the streets. His commitment finds him operating six days a week.

“Initially, I felt shy and embarrassed about handling waste, flies, and odors,” he recalled. “But over time, I changed my perspective and took pride in my work. Despite what others think, I recognize that my role is vital.”

He pointed out the importance of trash collectors in keeping Savusavu clean, stating, “Without us, the town wouldn’t be tidy and attractive.” He expressed concern over the lack of civic pride among some residents, advocating for greater education on environmental responsibility.

Iosefo’s work schedule runs from 6 AM to 4 PM, and he often notices a continuous flow of trash despite his efforts. He urges a shift in how people handle their waste, emphasizing the need for respectful disposal practices that honor the environment.

As Savusavu relies on tourism, he believes that locals and the municipal council must collaborate to maintain the area’s cleanliness. Iosefo stresses that no one should feel ashamed of their job if it sustains their livelihood.

“Regardless of the dirt and smell I face, I remind myself that my job holds significance,” he affirmed. “Every role should be approached with a commitment to excellence, no matter how challenging it may seem.”

Ultimately, dedicated individuals like Iosefo play an essential role in supporting local economies, public health, safety, and environmental sustainability. Their work deserves recognition and respect. Iosefo, originally from Votua, Ba, now lives in Savusavu with his wife from Urata Village, and they are proud parents of one child.

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